
Courses On Micro Ring, Nano Ring and Skin Weft Hair Extensions 


Courses On Micro Ring, Nano Ring and Skin Weft Hair Extensions 

Micro Ring, Nano Ring and Skin Weft Hair Extensions 

There are a plethora of hair extension techniques to choose from, and these usually vary in the usage of the type of glue or the bonding material used to attach the extensions to the natural hair. The speciality of micro ring hair extensions is the fact that there is no need of adhesive and hence this is the most preferred option for many. This should be done by a Micro Ring specialist.
In this extension, the client’s hair is attached to the wefts of the extension via a very small ring. This is then pressed closely to the scalp and hence securing the bond without the requirement of adhesive. Therefore this results in extremely natural looking, secure, enduring and non-damaging hair extension.
Nano ring hair extensions are cardinally a fantastic method, especially for those with finer hair. The process of nano ring extension is very delicate since it involves placing individual strands to small sections of hair, and securing them with a metal nano ring. Moreover, the nanoring is itself minute in size and proportionally smaller than a traditional micro ring which is essentially why it is best suited for those with finer hair.
Micro Ring, Nano Ring and Skin Weft Hair Extensions 
The primary advantage of the nano ring hair extension is that the bonds are extremely tiny. They are around 90% smaller than a micro ring. Hence nano ring hair extensions can be crowned as one of the smallest bonds available.
A skin weft extension is cardinally composed of wide, long sections. These are attached to the natural hair in the upper region and held in place using glue or tape. This extension easily matches the natural hair. In most situations, it can be challenging to notice the difference between the real hair and extensions. Skin wefts are basically tape extensions with small but significant differences.

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