
Courses on Reflexology


Courses on Reflexology


Reflexology is essentially the process of applying pressure to titillate various nerve points of our body. Applying pressure in these particular reflex points corresponds to particular organs of the body and hence stimulates that particular organ or muscle group.  Moreover, the treatment is said to induce a healing response, even alleviating some ailments.


Reflexology works in a similar way to acupressure and acupuncture. However, it is thought that there are certain points on the feet and hands that correspond to the organs and glands in the body. So by pressing and massaging these points, it can stimulate energy pathways in the body. Reflexology aims to unblock any blocked energy pathways. It allows the energy to flow freely again, which aims to restore balance to the body.

Benefits of Reflexology 

  1. Boosts the immune system
  2. Helps fight off colds and bacterial infections
  3. Help reduce sinus problems
  4. Alleviate back problems
  5. Helps reduce back problems
  6. Cardinal in overcoming infertility
  7. Alleviates digestion problems
  8. Help to reduce arthritic pain
  9. Reduces nerve tingling and numbness from cancer drugs
On your first visit, your reflexologist will ask you some general questions about your health, lifestyle and medical history. Also, They might ask to speak to your general physician if they are concerned that it could interfere with any other treatment or drugs that you are having. Moreover on average, a reflexology session usually lasts between 45 to 60 minutes.
Most people say having reflexology feels relaxing and soothing. But pressure on some areas may be uncomfortable or slightly painful. Also, your therapist might tell you that this discomfort relates to blockages in energy flow in a particular part of your body, although you can rest assured that you will be feeling much better and satiated after the session.

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